vineri, 19 decembrie 2008

Perversiuni lingvistice

De azi dimineata e o hahaiala teribila in birou la noi.

Motivul este un email al departamentului marketing. Redau mai jos emailul domnisoarei in cauza (pe care noi oricum o iubim ).

"Dear all,
A special Christmas party for the children of the (numele firmei) employees has been organised for today and will start downstairs in the meeting room in the (numele strazii) office at 2pm. The star guests include (aici erau insiruite numele copiilor) and (si aici ultimul copil-nu stiu cum fusese ales ultimul). Santa and some of his friends will of course be joining to host the party and give presents.
Everyone’s invited downstairs for some Christmas nibbles and mould wine will be available at reception and in the kitchen for all staff.
Looking forward to seeing you downstairs.

Ho ho ho,
(Aici era numele autoarei mesajului)"

Atrag atentia asupra cuvantului "mould" (mucegai) care a provocat ilaritate in tot biroul.
Un coleg senior, mai hatru, pune capac si da si el un "reply to all" deosebit. Il reproduc mai jos:

"Dear (numele autoarei initiale),

Mould wine sounds a bit rough, was it left from last year? Mulled wine would be appreciated though. Don’t heat it too much (less than 76 C) or you loose the alcohol.

P.S.- I’m also looking forward to the children, do we get to eat a whole one each or must we share?



Daca inainte zambeau numai toti acum radem cu lacrimi. Perversa rau limba asta!

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