miercuri, 13 aprilie 2011

must have uri

Must have ul de Paste al meu este Samyang AE 85 mm f/1,4 Aspherical IF in montura de Nikon. Imi fac temele si-l gasesc cu vreo 5 milioane mai ieftin ca pe plaiurile mioritice undeva la un magazin online in Polonia.
Cand sa-l iau aflu ca e out of stock, ba mai mult:

"Delta Company, the sole representative and distributor of Samyang products for Europe announces there may be some temporary shortage of Samyang lenses between April and May. This is due to suspension in deliveries of optical lenses produced in Japan by factories located on the area destroyed by the Tsunami wave which hit Japanese shores on 11th of March 2011. We will be informing our customers about any changes concerning availability of our products."

Pai poti sa te pui cu stihiile naturi domnule....? Sper sa-mi amintesc in mai de el.

2 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

Iti reamintesc eu :)

cccornel spunea...

ma descurc si singur!