marți, 19 iulie 2016

BB King...the King

De ceva vreme il studiez cu obstinatie pe domnul BB King, pe persoana fizica, atata in audio cat si in video.
Omul a fost un chitarist de un rafinament extraordinar dar de un indoielnic simt estetic fashionist in ceea ce priveste costumele de scena.
Rad cu lacrimi, de fiecare data, la concertele in care aduna cohorte de chitaristi pe langa el...incepand cu Eric Clapton si terminand cu unii de care n-ati auzit vreodata. Pentru fiecare cerea pe rand cate un scaunel in plus pe scena, dupa care-i alinia de-a dreata si de-a stanga sa.
Nu gasesc in interpretarile lui nicio nota sau chiar mic accent nelalocul lui.
Deci efectiv tipul e perfect ca si chitarist. N-am vazut in viata mea o interpretare mai naturala. ca si cand chitara aia Gibson ES 355 (Lucille pt cunoscatori) ar fi parte din corpul sau.
Greu sa-l egaleze cineva curand!

sâmbătă, 2 iulie 2016

7 thinghs to do after you buy a HB guitar

1. Polish the frets (very fine sandpaper and polish compound). The frets were not properly finished so bending technique was not possible.
2. Evacuate the wood debris from inside acoustic chamber (mine has 2 pieces of wood inside)
3. Clean the fretboard wood and oil it with lemon oil. Mine was awfully dirty!...
4. Adjust string high.
5. Recut the pickboard since the initial one was made awful by factory. Polish the edges at 60 degree. Try not to polish fast since the heat is destroying the resin material.
6. Grease the pots with WD 40.
7. Tighten the machine head.
Tune the guitar, play and enjoy it....if you are not too tired.

General consideration: sound is very nice, pickups are very hot, red finish is quite nice, surface is very polished, neck comfortable, no fret buzz. For this price you cannot find something better.